

  • Light dinner and good sleep day before operation is necessary. You may take a tranquilizer, if you need one.
  • Take a laxative if you are constipated.
  • Bring loose comfortable clothes, toiletries, shaving kit, and Tape-Recorder if desired.
  • Avoid Company of individuals who are suffering from cold, cough, before and after operation.
  • Nothing should be taken by mouth at least for six hours before operation.
  • Bring with you all case notes, investigations, X-rays Sonography reports etc.
  • Keep with you all medicines you take normally in addition those prescribed to you.
  • Discourage small children from visiting the clinic. Memories of unpleasant sights/smell/sounds may prevent them from seeking medical advice when they grow up.
  • Visitors are discouraged to the hospital when patients need rest in the afternoon and after 9 PM.
  • If you have a medical insurance, bring the relevant information with you. When you leave the hospital, please ask for all documents, bills, receipts, medical reports, leave certificates etc.
  • Do not hesitate to ask any quires, doubts, any information regarding operation at any stage.
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, and smoking is strictly prohibited.



ऑपरेशनच्या आधी घ्यावयाची काळजी




  • There will be some swelling discomfort, pain. Numbness in the operated part. It is a natural response of the body to any operation. Most of it will settle down within a few days.
  • You should take a bath without covering the dressing. Water will not enter or in any way cause harm to the incision.
  • Occasionally some fluid or fat tinged with blood may ooze out of the wound. Do not worry, cover it with dressing
  • Some people experience a dragging pain in the testicle, this is controlled by wearing a well-fitting underwear.
  • Hernia is a result of a weakness in the abdominal musculature; it is aptly called a rupture. The defect is covered with mesh which remains in the body permanently without causing any problems This experience is shared by surgeons all over the world during the last decade
  • As the repair of the defect is done without any tension Patients can walk and even climb stairs within a few hours of the operation. Now there is no need to take rest for several weeks, as was the practice a few years ago. Most of the patients are discharged home within a day
  • You can use Indian style toilets
  • You can drive a car any time depending upon your subjective comfort.
  • Avoid constipation by taking enough water, fruits and vegetables.

I like my patients to come for a check-up once a year for 10 years.

Dr. Pravin Suryawanshi
(Chief Endoscopist, Advanced Laparoscopic,
& Hepato Pancretico Biliary Surgeon)