

  1. Presentation on Advanced Laparoscopic and Minimally invasive surgeries in association with Rotary Club of Aurangabad on 20th Oct 2004.
  2. Presentation at Aurangabad Indian Medical Association on Persistent Vomiting on 28/04/2004.
  3. Paper presentation on Difficult Cholecystectomy, MASICON, 2005.
  4. Paper presentation on Laparoscopic management of intra-abdominal abscess, MASICON, 2005.
  5. Video presentation on Thoracoscopic Management of Hydatid Cyst of Lung, MASICON- 2005, Nanded.
  6. Poster presentation on Persistent Vomitings, MASICON 2005, Nanded.
  7. Poster presentation on Rectal Gangrene, MASICON 2005, Nanded.
  8. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic APR, MASICON 2005, Nanded.
  9. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenectomy, MASICON 2005, Nanded.
  10. Video Presentation on Lap. Total radical gastrectomy, Lap. CBD exploration, MASICON, Amravati.
  11. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic Appendectomy and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with CBD exploration. MASICON 2007, Latur.
  12. Video presentation on ‘Laparoscopic Difficult Cholecystectomy’, MASICON 2008, Kolhapur.
  13. Video presentation on live laparoscopic difficult Cholecystectomy, MASICON 2010, Solapur, 4th to 7th Feb 2010.
  14. Video presentation on Laparoscopic Empyema Gall Bladder and Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia, “ENDO-SURG – 2010”, Pune on 20-22nd August 2010.
  15. Video presentation on Laparoscopic Difficult Cholecystectomy, Workshop on Endoscopic Suture Knotting Technique, 29th to 30th Oct. 2010, Barshi.
  16. 1st prize in Endoscopic Video Presentation for “Endoscopic Management of Intrabiliary Ruptured Hydatid Cyst of Liver”, ISGCON-2010, Hyderabad, 20th to 25th Nov. 2010.
  17. Video presentation on live Colonoscopy (Polypectomy), 2nd GI-Vision-2012, 9th to 11th March 2012, Aurangabad.
  18. Video presentation on live ERCP and Gastroscopy procedure, National Workshop on “Making of A Surgeon-Changing trends in Research, Training and Evaluation” at D. Y. Patil Hospital and Research Centre, Kolhapur.
  19. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic CBD Exploration, ASICON 2012, Kolkata from 25th Dec – 30th Dec.
  20. Video presentation on Laparoscopic Surgery, Inauguration ceremony of publishing the Aarogyam Calender 2013 and CME, 12th January, 2013, MGM’s Medical College & Hospital, Aurangabad.
  21. Video presentation on “Laparoscopic CBD Exploration” & Guest lecture on “Laparoscopic Excision of Leiomyosarcoma of IVC”, 35 th MASICON 2013, Nashik.
  22. Video presentation on “Laparoscopic Cysto Pericystectomy for Hydatid Cyst of Liver”, 10th IHPBA, 15th to 17th Feb. 2013, in Coimbatore.
  23. Video Presentation and Guest Lecture on Laparoscopic Colectomy benign and malignant, Laparoscopic Management of prolapse rectum & Laparoscopic Management of Rectal Cancer, 43rd FIAGES-2015, Nagpur, 31/07/2015.
  24. Video Presentation on Live Umbilical Hernia Surgery & Lap Fundoplication for GERD, AMASICON 2015, Mumbai, 5th to 8 th Nov, 2015.
  25. Video Presentation on 3D Laparoscopic Rectopexy & Guest lecture on Laparoscopic Surgery for Cystic Tumors of the Liver, MASICON-2016, Hotel Sayaji, 4th to 7th Feb. 2016.
  26. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic Whipple’s Surgery, GI-Vision 2016, Aurangabad, 25th to 27th March 2016.
  27. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic Whipple’s Surgery with Novel below Upward Technique & Laparoscopic Cystoperi – Cystectomy for Liver Hydatid Cyst, IHPBA 2016, Brazil, 20th to 23rd April. 2016.
  28. Video presentation on Live Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with intra-op Cholangiogram, MASICON 2017, Nanded.
  29. Video presentation on Distal Pancreatectomy, Performed Live Laparoscopic Difficult Cholecystectomy, Symposium on – Acute Pancreatitis, MASICON 2018, Mumbai, 25th to 28th Jan. 2018.
  30. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic Cystopericystectomy and Laparoscopic Intra Cavity Pancreatic Necrosectomy, GI Vision – 2018, Aurangabad.
  31. Video Presentation on Laparoscopic Management of Congenital Anomalies Sailed into Adulthood, 15th State Conference on Pediatric Surgery Maharashtra Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Aurangabad, 28th to 29th July 2018.
  32. Live demonstration on Laparoscopic Difficult Cholecystectomy, 10 th Laparoscopic Unlimited Live Workshop at Tata Research Centre, Mumbai on 09/09/18.
  33. Presentation on CBD Stones, 57th AMASI Skill Course and FMAS Examination, at D. Y. Patil Hospital and Research Institute, Kolhapur on 5 th, 6th & 7th October 2018.
  34. Presented Video of “Laparoscopic Management of Adrenal Tumor with Intraluminal Extension Into Renal Vein” at 14th International Congress “AMASICON 2019” at Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Date Topic
Paraduodenal Hernia
Persistent Vomiting – An unusual presentation Perforation of vitello intestinal duct presenting as acute abdomen
Difficult gall bladder
Laparoscopic hernia repair
Portal Hypertension – Leino – Renal Shunt
Appendicular abscess – a rare complication
Laparoscopic Orchidopexy
Colonic gangrene in diabetic patient
Laparoscopic management of abdominal abscess
Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy
Laparoscopic Spleenectomy
Date Topic
Laparoscopic CBD Exploration
Laparoscopic Radical Total Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic Management of Retroperitoneal Cyst.
Laparoscopic Excision of Adrenal Cyst
Lap. Pyeloplasty
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty
Endoscopic Hemithyroidectomy
Laparoscopic Thyroid Surgery
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Cadaver Donor Transplantation – It’s a Beginning
Acute Pancreatitis